Assortment of honey jars


Joyce’s Produce offers a large variety of different kinds of raw and unfiltered honey.  We sell wildflower, clover, eucalyptus, orange blossom, sage, and cinnamon honey, just to name a few. 

Assortment of Toffee BOXES

Chapel Hill Toffee

Chapel Hill Toffee begins with a layer of traditional English toffee spread thin and cut by hand into bite sized squares. Each piece is coated on both sides with a top-secret blend of dark chocolates. The smooth layers are finished off with a sprinkling of pecans. 

Assortment of canned preserves: fruit jam,jellys , salad dressings

Preserves, JELLY, JAM & Salad Dressings! Oh My!

We take pride in selling homemade jams and jellies. Most of our homemade products are made from North Carolina fruit.  When my grandparents owned the business, they handmade every jar they sold.

Assortment of canned jalapenos: jalapenos , bacon salsa.

Cape Fear Pirate Candy Company

These peppers are AWARD-WINNING peppers!   The Honey Kissed Candied Banana Peppers were voted Best Condiment and Overall Grand Champion at the 2017 NC Speciality Food Association Awards.

Assortment of sausage and ham

Phillips Brothers Country Ham & Sausage

We have sold this ham and sausage for almost twenty-five years, and they have been in business since 1947. They are based in Asheboro NC.

Assortment of flour mix

Old School Mill Products

This company was founded in 1990 by a man that was tired of processed food and decided to open a mill that used stone ground milling to make grits, cornbread, cornmeal, and flour.  All of these products are made with non-GMO modified grains, so they are delicious and healthy.

Assortment of garden and house flags

Garden and House Flags

We have a HUGE assortment of garden (small) and house (large) flags for you to choose from.  My grandma has always said that having a pretty flag at the end of the driveway and one waving off the front porch makes a house look loved.

Assortment of peanuts

NC Peanuts

These peanuts are in tin cans and come with plastic lids for easy storage.  They are made in Henderson, NC, by the Peanut Roaster.  They are roasted and flavored in small batches to ensure optimal flavor in every nut.


Our dish towels are made from ole timey flour sacks and are 100% cotton.  These towels do a fantastic job of drying dishes, and they also add a flair to your kitchen. 

PVS Birdhouses

PVS Birdhouses

Our birdhouses are custom-made in Clayton, North Carolina.The builder takes great pride in his work and is one of the best carpenters I have ever worked with.  We have been the exclusive seller of his birdhouses at the Farmers Market for over twenty-five years